“Inclusive Communities: The Foundation of a Self-Determined Life”
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- place Gaige Hall Auditorium, Rhode Island College
The Paul V. Sherlock Center on Disabilities is pleased to welcome special guest Keith Jones for the first event of its 30th anniversary series. Registration is required.

In our quest for a truly inclusive community, individuals with disabilities still face significant hurdles, including socioeconomic disparities that limit access to resources and attitudinal barriers that create social exclusion. This free presentation explores how a collaborative approach can empower individuals with disabilities to make decisions about their lives. Keith Jones will bring his lived experience as a person with a disability to the conversation about pivotal roles families, educators, communities, policymakers, health care providers, social service professionals, community organizations and employers play in creating a support network that fosters self-determination throughout a person’s life.
Registration check-in and refreshments: 5:30 p.m.
Presentation: 6 to 8 p.m.
A reception with Keith Jones will follow
Keith Jones is president and CEO of SoulTouchin’ Experiences LLC, an organization aimed at bringing a perspective to issues of access inclusion and empowerment that affect him and others who are persons with and without disabilities. Paralleling with his policy and social justice work, Mr. Jones is a multi-talented artist who along with Leroy Moore and Rob Temple founded the Emmy Award-winning Krip Hop Nation, an international collection of artists with disabilities.
Reasonable accommodation / language request:
If you need a reasonable accommodation (e.g., ASL interpreter), materials in an alternate format (e.g. large print) or information in a language other than English to fully participate in this event, please indicate your request on the registration form.