Direct Support Workforce

A direct support professional sits with a man in a wheelchair in a diner.

This page is dedicated to bringing forward best practices, evidence-based strategies, tools and resources for those seeking employment or already employed in the direct support workforce, such as direct support professionals and frontline supervisors, as well as employers looking to recruit, select, train and retain the direct support workforce.

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Unlocking insights: DSP Listening Sessions summary report now available!

Check out the DSP Listening Sessions summary, a report highlighting insights from 60 Rhode Island DSPs to guide outreach and education, support policy advocacy, and offer solutions for direct support workforce challenges. 

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Two women; one is looking at an iPad.

Direct Support Professional

This page is dedicated to bringing forward best practices, evidence-based strategies, tools and resources for those seeking employment as DSPs and for those employed as DSPs who wish to improve the services and supports they provide.

A woman writes in a log book on a desk.

Frontline Supervisor

This page is dedicated to providing information and resources to those employed as frontline supervisors in the intellectual and developmental disabilities services field. You will find information to assist you in your role as a frontline supervisor, including information regarding the supervision of direct support professionals.

Two people stand outdoors.


This page is dedicated to helping all employers, including agency providers and those who use self-directed supports, recruit, select, train and retain the direct support workforce.


This page was created to showcase the work of the Rhode Island Statewide Workforce Initiative (RISWI), a collaborative partnership between Paul V. Sherlock Center on Disabilities / Rhode Island College, Community Provider Network of Rhode Island (CPNRI), Department of Labor and Training (DLT), Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities & Hospitals (BHDDH), Direct Support Workforce Solutions at the Institute on Community Integration at the University of Minnesota, as well as employers, those with lived experience, their families and direct support professionals (DSPs) who have the common goal of strengthening the workforce that provides support to people with disabilities to live the lives they choose.