Lending Library

The Sherlock Center Resource Library is open to the public. The library has more than 2,000 holdings related to special education and specific disability topics available on loan.
Individuals requesting to borrow materials will need to establish a patron account by calling 401-456-4773 or in person by visiting the Sherlock Center. No fees apply.
Library hours
- 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Thursday
- 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday
* Hours may be reduced during summer months and major holiday periods such as Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's. The Library closes on major holidays.
Loan policy
Patrons may borrow books for two weeks (10 working days). There is no limit on the number of books borrowed. Patrons can reserve materials in advance by phone at 456-4773. Patrons reserving by phone must be prepared with the title and call number. A patron account is necessary to reserve materials. We will release all materials not picked up within four business days of the request. The Sherlock Center accepts returns during regular Library hours or by appointment.
Books are renewable as long as there are no “holds” placed against them. Make your request by calling 401-456-4773 or in person. Please have your books in hand to reference the call numbers and bar code.
We assess overdue books at the rate of 10 cents a day per book. The minimum fine is $1.50 per book; the maximum fine is $10 per book. There is a 14-day grace period for returning books without penalty of overdue fees.