Certificates of Graduate Study

Three smiling female students pursuing their graduate certificate in autism education are pictured in Paul LaCava's class at the Sherlock center.
RIC student Malcolm Streitfeld speaks to a class in the C.G.S in Autism Education Program about his experience with autism..

Autism Education C.G.S.

The Certificate of Graduate Study (C.G.S) in autism education is a program to extend the knowledge and skills of professionals, school districts, community providers, etc. to effectively teach and support individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

A young adult with an intellectual disability speaks to a caregiver.

Severe Intellectual Disabilities C.G.S.

The Certificate of Graduate Study (C.G.S.) in severe disabilities is an accelerated program for teachers already certified as a Rhode Island teacher in mild/moderate disabilities.

A transition-age young man with intellectual disabilities is pictured.

Transition for Youth with Exceptionalities C.G.S.

The Certificate of Graduate Study (C.G.S) in transition for youth with exceptionalities is a 15-credit, two-year program designed to prepare professionals to implement effective, research-based transition practices.