Registration support

Tracy Miller
Data Management Specialist
- 401-456-8072
Melissa Greenlief from Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals (BHDDH), an administrator of community services focused on residential, will briefly explain shared living arrangements (SLA) and the eligibility required. Also joining us will be two provider agencies and consumers of SLA.
This meeting will take place online using Zoom. When you register, you will receive an email with the link to join the meeting. You can connect by computer, mobile device or listen using your telephone. You may be prompted to download an app depending on the device you plan to use. This session will be recorded.
The Self-Directed Supports Network is a resource for individuals and families using self-directed supports through the Division of Developmental Disabilities. Meetings provide an opportunity to share experiences and learn from others.
Reasonable accommodation / language request:
If you need a reasonable accommodation (e.g., ASL interpreter) or materials in an alternate format (e.g. large print) to fully participate in this event, please indicate your request on the registration form.
Tracy Miller
Data Management Specialist