Presented by a certified work incentives counselor, sessions will be of value to individuals receiving SSDI or anyone looking for a basic introduction to SSDI disability-related work incentives.
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The Social Security Administration offers a variety of disability-related work incentives and support services to help people go to work. If you would like to work but are concerned it could affect your SSI or SSDI benefits, consider attending a free Work Incentives Information Session.
Presented by a certified work incentive counselor, these sessions are helpful for individuals receiving SSI or SSDI or anyone looking to learn about work incentives. Live topical sessions are offered monthly using Zoom from noon to 1 p.m. Each session provides attendees the opportunity to ask questions. The Sherlock Center also offers previously recorded webinars for those that want information but are unable to attend a live session. Scroll below for a list of available on-demand webinars.
Presented by a certified work incentives counselor, sessions will be of value to individuals receiving SSDI or anyone looking for a basic introduction to SSDI disability-related work incentives.
This information session will give you a introduction to disability-related work incentives for youth receiving SSI benefits. You will have an opportunity to ask questions. This session is presented by Certified Work Incentives Counselors. There is no cost to attend.
Video: ABLE Accounts in Rhode Island and Connecticut
This video explains how ABLE accounts allow a person receiving SSI and Medicaid to save. The explanation includes an overview of eligibility for ABLE accounts and how they work.
Webinar: RI's ABLE: A Financial Tool for People with Disabilities
Watch this RI's ABLE video to learn about eligible expenses, how to open an account, and the many way RI's ABLE can help you to save for the things you need. This video is 42 minutes, closed captioned and was produced in October 2020.
The RI's ABLE handout gives you an easy way to review the information presented in the above webinar. The handout is updated if information changes.
Video: Managing Benefits When Working in Rhode Island and Connecticut
This video provides six tips for managing benefits when working: (1) look at the whole financial picture when working; (2) report wages; (3) learn about work incentives; (4) organize benefit paperwork; (5) prepare for overpayments; and (6) set aside money for the future.
Webinar: Working and Benefits
This 47-minute webinar, Working and Benefits, gives a summary of how work impacts individuals receiving SSI or SSDI benefits, medical insurance protections, how to access benefits counseling and other resources. This YouTube video, produced in September 2023, is offered with closed captioning and ASL interpretation.
Video: SSI and Youth Who Work
This video encourages youth who receive SSI to work. It provides two key reasons why it’s important to work: (1) you have more money when you work, which includes an explanation of the Student Earned Income Exclusion (SEIE) and the basic SSI calculation if the SEIE is used up, and (2) you gain experience that helps you decide what you want to do as an adult and to get better paying jobs in the future.
Webinar: Work Incentives for Youth
This 29-minute video, Work Incentives for Youth, gives a summary of work incentives for youth with disabilities in transition programs, medical insurance protections, how to access benefits counseling and other resources. This YouTube video is offered with closed captioning and ASL interpretation and was produced in September 2023.
Video: SSI and Work
This video provides encouragement by educating the viewer about three great things that happen for SSI beneficiaries when they work. The three key facts explained are: (1) you have more money by working; (2) you can keep SSI eligibility when working, even when earnings are high enough to reduce SSI payments to $0; and (3) you can keep Medicaid when working, even when earnings are high enough to reduce SSI payments to $0.
Webinar: Work Incentives for SSI
This 31-minute webinar, Work Incentives for SSI, gives a summary of work incentives for individuals receiving SSI benefits, how to access benefits counseling and other resources. This YouTube video is offered with closed captioning and ASL interpretation and was produced in September 2023.
Video: SSDI and Planning for Work in Rhode Island and Connecticut
This video encourages SSDI beneficiaries to make a plan for work and get expert help to determine how work may affect their SSDI benefits. It explain the three phases of SSDI work rules: Trial Work Period, Extended Period of Eligibility, and Post-EPE. The video also mentions work incentives that let a person earn more than SGA and maintain SSDI and Medicare.
Video: SSDI Work Incentives for Rhode Island and Connecticut
This video explains the three phases of SSDI work rules: (1) Trial Work Period; (2) Extended Period of Eligibility; and (3) Post Extended Period of Eligibility. It provides details about two work incentives, Impairment Related Work Expenses (IRWE) and Subsidy, that can enable a person to keep SSDI even if gross earnings are above SGA. It also explains Expedited Reinstatement, a work incentive that enables a person whose SSDI has been terminated because of earnings to get SSDI back without having to reapply if earnings later fall below SGA or stop.
Webinar: Work Incentives for SSDI
This 38-minute video, Work Incentives for SSDI, gives a summary of work incentives for individuals receiving SSDI benefits, how to access benefits counseling and other resources. This YouTube video is offered with closed captioning and ASL interpretation and was produced in September 2023.