A father wearing a red shirt holds and plays with his son, who is wearing  glasses and a blue shirt.

Our Mission

Membership for all in school, work and the community

people were served

in all Sherlock Center activities combined in fiscal year 2023

participated in

eight Sherlock Center research activities in fiscal year 2023


our continuing and/or community education activities in fiscal year 2023

Our Work

A young boy interacts with an early intervention specialist in a classroom.

Our Services and Projects

We partner with state and national agencies, schools, higher education and community providers to offer interdisciplinary pre-service and community education, technical assistance, service, research and information

Learn about our Services and Projects

Learn about youth SSI Work Incentives

This free Zoom information session will give an introduction to disability-related work incentives for youth receiving SSI benefits.

Sherlock Center in Action

All News and Stories
A man eating an ice cream puts his arm around a woman; both are smiling at the camera.
The Sherlock Center awarded five Access for All Abilities Mini Grants and cooled off with an ice cream social at “An Evening at Roger Williams Park Zoo” on Thursday, June 20.

Celebrating 30 years!

Upcoming Events

This information session will give you a introduction to disability-related work incentives for youth receiving SSI benefits. You will have an opportunity to ask questions. This session is presented by Certified Work Incentives Counselors. There is not cost to attend.

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  • place Zoom