Registration Support
Tracy Miller
Data Management Specialist
- 401-456-8072
This person‐centered approach to career planning, job development and retention will be held in person at the Sherlock Center. The orientation and mentor/fieldwork sessions will take place on Zoom.
To earn an ACRE Certificate, learners must attend an orientation session, 12 instructor-led modules, three mentor/fieldwork sessions and successfully complete fieldwork assignments.
The Sherlock Center offers two paths to earn an ACRE Certificate. The recommended path is to register for this full ACRE series, which allow learners to complete the required modules and fieldwork assignments within nine months.
The alternative path is to build an ACRE Certificate by completing three SME mini-series and required fieldwork assignments within a 24-month period.
Learner technology requirements for online mentor/fieldwork sessions
Learners will participate in instructor-led sessions using Zoom. To participate, learners will need a computer, laptop or tablet with reliable internet access with sufficient bandwidth, and a camera. It is recommended that learners have dedicated time and space when attending sessions.
Learner time commitment
Each training module is three-and-a-half hours. Learners are also required to participate remotely in an orientation session (two hours) and three mentor/fieldwork sessions (two hours each), in addition to satisfactory completion of fieldwork assignments.
To support course completion, learners are expected to review provided materials, begin fieldwork during the course, and meet the projected assignment due dates.
Learners are encouraged to access one-on-one fieldwork support offered through the Sherlock Center.
Organizations are encouraged to pair the SME student with an experienced employment staff as a workplace mentor.
Reasonable accommodation / language request:
If you need a reasonable accommodation (e.g., ASL interpreter), materials in an alternate format (e.g. large print) or information in a language other than English to fully participate in this event, please indicate your request on the registration form.
Tracy Miller
Data Management Specialist