Learn more about the SME Series
Below are frequently asked questions organized by topic. For all other questions or for general questions about the SME Series, contact Vicki Ferrara at vferrara@ric.edu or call 401-456-8092.
You must have 100% attendance to earn an ACRE and/or Mini-Series certificate. A list of the modules required for each certificate are available on the SME Training Calendar page.
I've missed one or more modules what can I do?
If you missed a module, you can register for a make-up class as space permits. It is recommended that you completed missed modules within six months. View the SME Training Calendar for upcoming classes and register using the online registration form.
For assistance or questions regarding the schedule or registration, contact Vicki Ferrara at 401-456-8092, or at vferrara@ric.edu.
Can I earn an ACRE certificate if I complete the three mini-certificates?
Yes, if you earn each of the three mini-certificates within a 24-month period, you can apply for an ACRE certificate. The mini-certificates are offered in the following skill areas:
- Vocational assessment and employment planning
- Job development
- Job retention and coaching
What are the fieldwork requirements to earn an ACRE certificate?
An ACRE certificate requires three satisfactorily completed fieldwork assignments – one in each of the following skill areas: vocational assessment and employment planning; job development; and job retention and coaching.
What are the fieldwork requirements to earn a Mini-Series certificate?
Each mini-series requires one satisfactorily completed fieldwork assignment related to the specific skill area: vocational assessment and employment planning; job development; or job retention and coaching.
When completing a fieldwork assignment, should I get a release of information from the individual/guardian?
A release of information is encouraged. Follow your agency’s release of information policy. When completing the fieldwork, be sure to use only first name and city where the person lives. DO NOT include Social Security or case numbers or other personally identifying information.
Do all of my fieldwork assignments need to be completed on the same person receiving services?
Completing each fieldwork assignment on the same person may provide the best learning experience. However, each fieldwork assignment stands alone and can be completed on the same or different people. Note: Complete all components of a specific skill area – vocational assessment and employment planning; job development; or job retention and coaching – on the same person.
What is the deadline for submitting fieldwork assignments?
Fieldwork assignments are due within six months of completing the ACRE course or a specific Mini-Series. For an extenuating circumstance, an extension of up to six months may be provided upon request.
When should I start working on my fieldwork assignment?
We recommended that you start a fieldwork assignment related to a specific skill area – vocational assessment and employment planning; job development; or job retention and coaching – as soon as you complete the related modules. Submission of satisfactory fieldwork assignments are required before a certificate is issued. Below are recommended guidelines for scheduling your time:
ACRE series: Plan to submit the assignments related to vocational assessment and employment planning and job development by module 12 and ALL assignments within six to eight weeks of completing the course.
Mini-series: Plan to submit the assignment related to the specific skill area/s within four to six weeks of completing each series.
NOTE: SME data indicates that participates who follow the above guidelines are more likely to earn their chosen certificates.
Can a fieldwork assignment be handed in before the six-month deadline?
Yes, you are encouraged to submit an assignment when it is completed and no later than the six-month deadline.
Can a fieldwork assignment be handed in after the six-month deadline?
Fieldwork assignments are due within six months of completing the ACRE course or a Mini-Series. For extenuating circumstance an extension of up to six months may be provided upon request.
I have questions or need additional help to complete a fieldwork assignment; whom can I contact?
For questions or help to complete an assignment, contact Vicki Ferrara at 401-456-8092, or at vferrara@ric.edu.
You can also attend an individual or group fieldwork support session. View the schedule on SME Calendar.
Can I submit a handwritten fieldwork assignment?
Handwritten assignments are accepted if legible. However, typed summary reflection sheets are preferred, not required. Word files of each assignment are available at SME Fieldwork.
How do I submit my fieldwork assignment online?
You can submit your fieldwork assignments using the Fieldwork Submission Form on SME Fieldwork.
Prior to uploading your document, name the file using the following details: last name, first initial and assignment name, for example "smithj_vacareerprofile".
You can upload the assignment as a single PDF file or as multiple files.
Can I submit my fieldwork by mail or in person?
You can deliver your fieldwork assignment in person to the Sherlock Center or mail to: SME Fieldwork, Sherlock Center on Disabilities, Rhode Island College, 600 Mount Pleasant Ave., Providence 02908.
Important! Make a copy of all assignments for your records before submitting.
How do I request a SME Certificate of Completion?
Certificates are not automatically provided. You may request a certificate once all attendance and fieldwork requirements are satisfactorily completed. Use the online request form available at SME Certificate Request.
If you have questions or need assistance, contact Tracy Miller at 401-456-8072 or tmiller1@ric.edu.
I have questions about the status of my attendance or fieldwork assignments; whom do I contact?
For questions about the status of your attendance, fieldwork assignments or a requested certificate, contact Elaine Sollecito at 401-456-8072 or esollecito@ric.edu.