Online Publications & Resources
The Sherlock Center offers hundreds of online resources and publications on topics across the lifespan, from early intervention to transition to person-centered thinking, employment and self-determination.
These resources are searchable in the fields below. You can search by a keyword or an exact title in the “Search All Resources” box or you can search by project/service, topic or type – form, online resource or Sherlock Center publication.
Online Resource
Rhode Island Materials Access Center
The goal of RIMAC is to ensure that eligible students with disabilities receive their instructional materials at the same time as their peers, as required by the law.
Online Resource
Rhode Island Medical Home Portal
The RI Medical Home Portal is a resource for professionals and families who care for children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN).
Online Resource
Rhode Island Pharmaceutical Assistance to Elders (RIPAE) Program
RIPAE pays a portion of the cost of approved medications purchased during the deductible stage of a Part D plan for adults from 55-64 who are disabled and adults who are 65 and older.
Online Resource
Rhode Island Public Transit Authority (RIPTA)
The RIPTA website provides information on public bus schedules and maps, passes and fares, and other transportation resources.
Online Resource
Rhode Island Public Transit Authority (RIPTA) - ADA
Those unable to travel on the RIPTA fixed route bus service because of a disability may be eligible to use the RIde Program, a paratransit bus service that allows riders to schedule the specific bus rides they need instead of following a fixed route bus schedule and share a bus ride with other people who are traveling to a similar location and time.
Online Resource
Rhode Island Public Utilities Commission and Division of Public Utilities and Carriers - Motor Carriers
This page includes a list of taxi companies by territory and a list of limousine/sedan services in Rhode Island.
Online Resource
Rhode Island Regional Adult Learning
RIRAL currently provides comprehensive assessment, academic instruction, counseling and training services to adults in Central Falls, East Providence and Woonsocket.
Online Resource
Rhode Island Rx
Rhode Island Rx Card is a free statewide discount prescription assistance program launched to help uninsured and underinsured residents afford their prescriptions.
Online Resource
Rhode Island School for the Deaf
The school offers free audiological evaluations and outreach services for all children in Rhode island.
Online Resource
Rhode Island Settlement Agreement and Consent Decree
The State of Rhode Island entered into a Settlement Agreement and Consent Decree with the United States Department of Justice in 2013 and 2014, respectively. The agreements address findings that the State violated the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by failing to serve individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in integrated settings, and by placing youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities at serious risk of segregation. Under the terms of these agreements, the State is committed to transform its service system over a 10-year period of time. This site provides resources and updates related to this agreement.
Online Resource
Rhode Island Sign Language Initiatives
This resource includes information about Gallaudet University Regional Center's weekly sign language instruction for families who live in Rhode Island; gave a child who is deaf or hard of hearing ages 0-3; and are currently receiving services through an Early Intervention Program.
Online Resource
Rhode Island Small Business Development Center
The center provides small business owners in Rhode Island with the services and expertise they need to succeed, including free, expert counseling, relevant training and access to important resources. The lead office is located at the University of Rhode Island in Kingston with multiple outreach locations statewide.
Online Resource
Rhode Island Special Needs Emergency Registry
The Rhode Island Department of Health and the Rhode Island Emergency Management Agency have developed a registry for Rhode Islanders with disabilities, chronic conditions and other special healthcare needs designed to identify individuals who require special assistance during emergencies. Enrolling lets police, fire and other first responders in your community better prepare for and respond to you and your family member’s needs. Instructions for enrolling in the registry are provided in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
Sherlock Center Publication
Rhode Island's Family Guide to Participation in the Child Outcomes Measurement Process
This guide helps parents and caregivers understand the three "child outcomes" that are measured for every child in the United States who participates in an Early Intervention program so they can fully participate in the discussion of their child's progress.
- PDF English 493.45 KB
- PDF Spanish 494.78 KB
RI Department of Health Shared Plan of Care Form
RI Department of Health Shared Plan of Care Form.
- PDF English 204.77 KB
- PDF Spanish 251.16 KB
Sherlock Center Publication
RI Early Intervention Display Rack Card
This display card gives a brief introduction to the Early Intervention Program in Rhode Island. This 8-½ x 3-5/8 inch card is sized card for display in waiting areas or other places where families gather.
- PDF English 199.84 KB
- PDF Spanish 172.72 KB
RI Early Intervention Guidance on Discharge
This from provides guidance to EI providers on completing the discharge SRF.
- PDF English 110.95 KB
Sherlock Center Publication
RI Early Intervention Guide to Your Child's Hearing Assessment
There are many reasons to have your child’s hearing tested. Sounds come in many volumes and pitches and it can be hard to know if your child can hear them all. This publication explains the importance of having a child's hearing evaluated and includes a list of providers.
- PDF English 495.36 KB
- PDF Spanish 84.14 KB
Sherlock Center Publication
RI Early Intervention Procedural Safeguards and Funding
The Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) Part C values parents as important members of the Early Intervention team. This publication is for parents to help them to know and exercise their rights.
- PDF English 465.38 KB
- PDF Spanish 453.68 KB
- PDF Portuguese 485.1 KB
RI Early Intervention SRF for Vision Specialists
SRF to be used for Vision Specialists in EI.
- PDF English 79.76 KB