Online Publications & Resources
The Sherlock Center offers hundreds of online resources and publications on topics across the lifespan, from early intervention to transition to person-centered thinking, employment and self-determination.
These resources are searchable in the fields below. You can search by a keyword or an exact title in the “Search All Resources” box or you can search by project/service, topic or type – form, online resource or Sherlock Center publication.
Online Resource
National Resource Center for Supported Decision-Making
This website, a project of Quality Trust for Individuals with Disabilities Institute and University of Kansas Beach Center on Disability, contains many resources on supported decision-making including personal stories, publications, webinars and event announcements.
Online Resource
National Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
The center works with state and local agencies to improve social, emotional, academic and behavioral outcomes for all students. It supports more than 25,000 schools across all 50 states to continue and scale up PBIS implementation efforts by promoting real-world examples, hosting an annual conference and releasing free resources for educators.
Sherlock Center Publication
Navigating a Successful Transition from Early Intervention for Children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
This booklet, specific to children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, will help parents and caregivers to prepare for their child's transition from Early Intervention. This booklet should be used alongside the Rhode Island Transition Workbook: A Family Guide that gives general information about transition.
- PDF English 1.72 MB
- PDF Spanish 1.85 MB
Online Resource
Neighborhood Health Plan of Rhode Island
This nonprofit health maintenance organization insurance company serves one in five Rhode Islanders.
Online Resource
Northwestern Institute for Policy Research
The mission of this interdisciplinary public policy research institute founded in 1968 at Northwestern University is to stimulate and support excellent social science research on significant public policy issues and to disseminate the findings widely to students, scholars, policymakers and the public.
Obtaining Parent Signature on a Screening Tool
Welligent electronic record resource.
- PDF 292.35 KB
Online Resource
Ocean State Center for Independent Living (OSCIL)
OSCIL is one of two Independent Living Centers in Rhode Island. OSCIL, located in Warwick, provides information and referral, advocacy, assessment services and a range of other services designed to support independent living.
Online Resource
Off to a Great Start!
Created by Hands & Voices, Off to a Great Start! is an interactive website with resources and activities to support the early intervention journey for families of children who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing.
Online Resource
Office of Rehabilitation Service (ORS) Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired
The purpose of ORS Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired is to provide eligible individuals who have visual impairments the opportunities and support that will enable them to become independent, active, self-sustaining members of their community.
Online Resource
Office of Rehabilitation Services (ORS), Rhode Island Department of Human Services
The ORS mission is to empower individuals with disabilities to choose, prepare for, obtain, advance in and maintain employment, economic self-sufficiency, independence and integration into society. This site has resources for job-seekers and information about assistive technology and services for the blind and visually impaired.
Online Resource
Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
The Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services is committed to improving results and outcomes for people with disabilities of all ages and supports programs that serve millions of children, youth and adults with disabilities.
Online Resource
Open Hands Open Access Intervener Learning Modules
This resource from the National Center on Deaf-Blindness provides online modules with introductory information on deaf-blindness and the supports needed to enable students to understand their environment, communicate and receive support from individuals trained in intervention of students who have sensory challenges.
Online Resource
Oral Health Program
This program of the Rhode Island Department of Health provides information on oral health programs for children in Rhode Island.
Online Resource
Overpayments Fact Sheet
This Social Security Administration fact sheet explains what an overpayment is and what to do if you receive a notice of overpayment.
Online Resource
Overview of Self-Directed Supports
This YouTube video, recorded on April 30, 2020, provides an overview of self-directed supports in Rhode Island for individuals receiving services from DDD.
Online Resource
Pacer's National Parent Center on Transition and Employment - Person-Centered Planning
This site provides information on person-centered planning and resources on creating a successful plan.
Online Resource
Parent Support Network of Rhode Island
The network is a group of parents, family members, transition-age youth and adults with behavioral health lived experience who are committed to supporting and assisting peers and working with statewide and national partners to empower children, youth, families and individuals.
Online Resource
Parents Helping Parents
Parents Helping Parents provides support, information and training to help families understand and navigate complex systems of care for their loved one of any age with any disability or diagnosis.
Online Resource
Paths to Literacy
This website, which is a collaboration between Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired and Perkins School for the Blind, is an online hub for information and ideas about literacy for children who are blind or visually impaired, including those with additional disabilities.
Online Resource
This website provides free tools to maximize all children's motor, sensory, and communication development.