Online Publications & Resources
The Sherlock Center offers hundreds of online resources and publications on topics across the lifespan, from early intervention to transition to person-centered thinking, employment and self-determination.
These resources are searchable in the fields below. You can search by a keyword or an exact title in the “Search All Resources” box or you can search by project/service, topic or type – form, online resource or Sherlock Center publication.
Online Resource
The Red Book - A Guide to Work Incentives and Employment Supports (Spanish version)
The Red Book serves as a general reference source about the employment-related provisions of the Social Security Disability Insurance and the Supplemental Security Income Programs for educators, advocates, rehabilitation professionals and counselors who serve people with disabilities.
Sherlock Center Publication
The Rhode Island Coalition For Family Support and Involvement - Family-Centered Practice: How are we doing?
The coalition developed this Family-Centered Practice Rating Scale as a tool for Rhode Island families, providers, schools and communities to evaluate and improve how programs in Rhode Island support families.
- PDF Spanish 257.33 KB
- PDF English 294.15 KB
Online Resource
Think College
Think College provides resources and tools for students, families, and professionals. This website shares what is currently available in college programs for individuals with intellectual disabilities, provides resources and strategies, and informs about training events. The information is for transition-aged students as well as adults attending or planning for college.
Online Resource
Think Work Stories
Think Work Stories is a series of employment success stories on subjects such as career planning, job supports, job matching, job negotiation, family support, and funding.
Three Child Outcomes
Detailed prompts for information reported in each child outcome.
- PDF English 523.3 KB
Online Resource
Tips on Helping Your Child Build Relationships
Through relationships, children discover who they are and learn to understand others. This resource shows how you can help infants and toddlers develop strong relationships with the people in their lives.
Tips to Completing the Health Insurance Authorization Form
This document provides guidance to EI providers to help parents complete Health Insurance Authorization.
- PDF English 563.27 KB
Online Resource
Transition Activity Calendar
The Transition Activity Calendar was developed specifically for visually impaired high school students who plan to attend college.
Transition Frequently Asked Questions
Transition guidance for EI providers.
- PDF English 387.85 KB
Transition Notification and Consent (T1)
This form is used to inform LEA's that a child is potentially eligible for early childhood special education.
- PDF English 85.37 KB
- PDF Spanish 84.26 KB
Transition Planning and Steps (T2)
This form is used to document steps to be taken by EI, Family and the LEA to prepare a child for a smooth transition from EI.
- PDF English 90.61 KB
- PDF Spanish 98.02 KB
Transition Process at a Glance
Easy to follow graphic on Transition Process.
- PDF English 78.33 KB
- PDF Spanish 85.01 KB
Online Resource
Transition Services, Rhode Island Department of Education
The Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE) is the state agency that oversees the elementary and secondary education system from pre-kindergarten through Grade 12. Visit this website to get basic information on transition in Special Education and related resources.
Transition Talking Points
This form provided updated terminology and timeline for EI transition.
- PDF English 163.55 KB
Online Resource
Transition to Adulthood for Young Adults with Developmental Disabilities: A Timeline for Parents
The Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities, New Jersey's University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, offers this one-page timeline in English and Spanish to provide parents of young adults with developmental disabilities an overview of considerations in planning for the transition to adult life and national resources on transition topics.
Online Resource
Transition to Adulthood: A Health Care Guide for Youth and Families
This guide, published by the Autistic Self Advocacy Network provides people with disabilities and their families with information on how to choose a source of health care coverage, create a health care support network, integrate health care transition goals into their educational plans and manage their health care. It includes useful guides and worksheets for keeping track of health care records, making doctor's appointments and talking to doctors about health concerns.
Online Resource
Transition Toolkit
The toolkit offers a variety of resources to support the successful transition of older students with deaf-blindness.
Online Resource
Trauma and Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
This Vanderbilt Kennedy UCEDD publication offers tips and resources for those working with individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities who have experienced traumatic events.
Online Resource
U.S. Department of Education
The department's mission is to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access.